What if you have quality, helpful content out there, but you’re not getting the response you’re expecting? This could mean you aren’t getting enough traffic. If people can’t find your website then they won’t know about you.

With a few simple SEO tweaks, you can optimize your content for search engines and get more eyes on it.

Start by choosing good keywords. Use a keyword tool to find words and phrases people are searching for that are relevant to your niche. 

Click here for an article that talks about the popular keyword search tools. 

Use these keywords naturally in your content, but don’t overdo it. That will have the opposite effect and negatively impact your SEO. Add your keyword once in the title and first paragraph of your content, and a few times throughout the body.

For even better results, choose long tail keywords. These are phrases or short sentences, rather than a word or two, which more closely match how people search these days.

For example, rather than “save money” you might choose something like “how to save money on a budget.”

The longer a keyword is, the less competition there is for it. This means you have a higher chance of attracting searches for this term.

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Make sure you write good title tags and metadata. These are the descriptions that turn up on the search results page.

Include images in your posts. Search engines favor pages with images and include keyword-rich alt text so the images will come up in search engine results too.

Post content regularly. Search engines like websites with fresh content. One effective way to do this is to add a blog to your site. Even if you have a static website, your blog will make it appear fresh. Content is King. Consistency is Queen.

Finally, make sure you’re sharing your content on social media. Let your audience know whenever you’ve posted something new.

If content marketing feels overwhelming to you, let me help you! Sign up for my short self-study course Content Repurposing Workshop: Don’t Rewrite, Reuse by clicking here.
Would you rather just hire someone to take care of your content? Click here to schedule a time to chat with me. 

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