There are 5 principal elements you should be aware of when building your customer lists.

  • Squeeze Page / Landing page:

A Squeeze page (or a landing page) is a web page that contains information about your products and services and is designed for capturing your customers or potential customers contact information.

You can use the squeeze page to motivate your website visitors to subscribe to your email opt-in list with their name and email addresses to receive more information about the product or service.

You can also design the squeeze page with an incentive that visitors need to sign up for, in order to get access to the incentive.

If you know how to build a web page, you can easily create a squeeze page. If you don’t know how, there are many sites which provide squeeze pages and landing pages, as per your choice.

You need visitors to see various offers to make them fill out the opt-in form. You can create separate squeeze pages for each offer with strong reasons explaining why a visitor should accept it free of cost

  • High Quality Incentives:

An incentive is simply a free gift or offer that you give away to your recent subscribers. The initial step to build your list is to get the visitor to opt for the equitable incentive in turn for their contact information.

This will improve your sign up rate and subscribers. An increase in sign up gives you their permission to follow up on those potential customers.

When you create an incentive for your audience, you need to be sure that it is of the highest possible quality. You should really give some thought to make it both compelling and well-presented.

There are numerous offers that you can provide for your website visitors, a free report, a free EBook, an FAQ on the topic, a video series, a free trial, a limited access software application and many more.

It doesn’t matter which business you are in, high quality incentives and offers give a kick start to your business. You need to really consider what you can utilize as a free give away to get leads.

  • Premium Autoresponder Service:

Choosing the right Autoresponder Service permits you to collect subscribers’ contact info so that you become able to lineup emails and track your vital analytics for your business.

To track list building campaigns and measure your results, you need to enroll with an Autoresponder service provider. There are very popular mailing service providers online like AWeber, MailChimp, GetResponse, IContact, and Constant Contact.

Most email service providers cost about $20 per month and rise as your list grows. But the exception is MailChimp which gives you permission to have a free account until 2000 subscribers and allows you to send 12,000 emails monthly.

You should opt for a mailing list service provider that you can easily use. So that you spend less time with tools and most of your time tracking and measuring. Most autoresponders offer a free trial which gives you a chance to try them out to see if they are good fit for you or not. A perfect Autoresponder service depends on the types of attributes they perform best.

Some of mailing services also include technical features for web developers and analyzers who want to provide unique content to their audiences. Before optin in, be sure that you will be able to manage their service platform and facilitate communication with your list.

  • Highest Quality Traffic:

Traffic is one of the most important assets for any online marketer. If you want to have a huge list of people who are actually interested in your product, getting quality and the right type of traffic is a must.

It should also be kept in mind that you need to drive traffic that is related to your niche. If you fail to get niche-targeted traffic, your efforts will go down the drain.  It is important to adhere to Demographic factors in this case.

You can maximize your list building by using free traffic, such as natural search traffic, social media traffic, forum traffic, article writing traffic, domain name traffic, reciprocal linking traffic, blogging traffic, joint venture traffic, pop up traffic, video traffic, podcast traffic, software traffic, Facebook Traffic, etc. to bring more qualified traffic for your business.

Get authentic leads through Email Traffic, Internal Banner Traffic, Forum Recycled Traffic and Surveys and Poll Traffic.

You cannot build an effective list without sending your visitors to the squeeze page. Squeeze pages have the capacity to convert your visitors into your customers. As per trusted research, businesses that have an effective squeeze page see approximately 100 to 150% increases in their revenues.

  • Highly engaging email sequence:

An effective list lays down the foundation for any successful business. Building a list is one of the foremost tasks that every business performs for its overall growth and development. But all of your list generation efforts will be of no use if you are unable to grab the customer’s attention. Consequently, your list will not be yielding the desired and expected results.

For facilitating this purpose, you need to draft e-mails that have a very high engagement capacity. Highly engaging mails are the ones that are able to make your customers feel connected, and also readable. Certain strategies like time of posting an e-mail, frequency of sending them, etc. are highly important.

Ensure that your e-mails don’t always focus on the selling aspect. You need to be careful of respecting the feelings of your customers. On certain occasions, you need to send mails for giving training, content, free gifts, invitations to events etc. to make them develop a feeling of connectivity with you.

All these points ensure that your professional emails are not treated as junk, and they viewed as important. This also facilitates customer attentiveness and retention in the long run.

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