[Tips & Tricks] Hootsuite & Instagram

As a busy business owner, automation is key to saving you time and money. Scheduling social media posts is one thing that can be automated easily and will save business owners hours. We all know how you can get on social media to look up ‘one thing’ or to...

Step Five:  Interviewing Your Choices

Now it’s time to interview your new team members.  Some suggestions: Send questionnaires. These allow you to really think about what you want your potential hire to know and what you want to ask.  They’re a good “introduction” to both of you. If you both communicate...

Step Four: Narrowing Your Choices

Don’t stop at just one pick, unless that person promises to be beyond perfection or you know them and have already “clicked”:  Select several candidates for each position on your team. Once you have found at least three or four likely candidates (or they have...

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